Mote launches red tide mitigation and control institute
October 26, 2018
To the Editor: Mote Marine Laboratory leaders are thrilled to announce a major new step toward realizing a vision for addressing Florida red tide: a generous philanthropic investment of $1 million fr…
Reader enjoyed October articles
October 26, 2018
To the Editor: Your October edition of the Beacon is a very enjoyable read. Having been born and raised in South Boca Grande,”South Dock,” so many of your articles bring back many memories. Hurricane…
A quiet good-bye to the folks at The Fishery
October 19, 2018
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE On Thursday morning, October 18, a light breeze pushed a melancholy feeling around the bruised and potholed road at The Fishery. Small groups of shoppers congregated around the Ha…
As stone crab season begins many wonder … are those crabs safe to eat?
October 19, 2018
■ BY SUE ERWIN It’s officially stone crab season, and Dr. Phil Gravinese, a scientist at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, said early testing has revealed catches close to shore have not been great…
Help celebrate 75 years of service with the BGFD
October 19, 2018
Join Chief C.W. Blosser and the rest of the staff at the Boca Grande Fire Department as they celebrate 75 years of service to Gasparilla Island on Wednesday, Oct. 24 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Botched brownies lead to smoky Island House situation
October 19, 2018
All was well in the end on Tuesday, Oct. 16 at approximately 7:30 p.m. after the Boca Grande Fire Department responded to the call of a structure fire in the 400 block of Gulf Boulevard, at the Islan…
Come out for the spookiest of island traditions: The Boca Grande Halloween Carnival
October 19, 2018
■ STAFF REPORT Kids, start thinking about your costume and decide if you are going to be scary, funny, cute or adorable for the annual Boca Grande Community Center Halloween Carnival. The carnival wi…
Beacon looking for veteran stories
October 19, 2018
■ STAFF REPORT If you have someone special to you who has served in the U.S. military and you would like to recognize him or her, please contact us at the Boca Beacon. Our November 2 and 9 issues wil…
Want to make history? Historical Society volunteers sought
October 19, 2018
■ BY SUE ERWIN The Boca Grande Historical Society is seeking volunteers for the upcoming season at the History Center. Assistance is needed to help preserve Gasparilla Island’s unique history. Docent…
Farmers Market opening date announced
October 19, 2018
■ BY STAFF REPORT The weekly Farmers Market at Wheeler Road ballfield is set to open for season on Friday, Dec. 21 running 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Friday and continuing through April, 2019. Local Root…