2021: The year of the paradigm shift
December 30, 2021
It’s that time once again to step into a new year, to sign a new year’s number on the dotted line and to determine that things are going to change.
They will change, won’t they? Because when you…
Hill Tide Estates controversy continues to unfold
December 30, 2021
It appears that several state and local agencies are still working on finding out why the large wrought iron-type fence is on the beach at the boundary of Hill Tide Estates. Several emails have gone…
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED … Captain Jack, pirate treasure await you …
December 30, 2021
Captain Jack Sparrow is looking forward to meeting island families at the Boca Grande Community Center for the first “Family Fun Night which will be held on Friday, Jan. 7. Enjoy pirate-them…
Be a friend of the pelican: Reel, remove, release
December 30, 2021
“A wonderful bird is the pelican; his bill can hold more than his belly can.” – Dixon Lanier Merritt
The above excerpt from Merritt’s poem is true: A pelican’s pouch can hold up to three times m…
You’re never too old try something new!
December 30, 2021
91-year-old retired United Airlines pilot and Navy Veteran John O’Connell paddleboarded for the first time in his life this past week in Boca Grande waters. He was accompanied by his granddaughter L…
PROFILE: Hazel Singletary Presley
December 30, 2021
When most of us stroll the streets of Boca Grande, we see Fugate’s, golf carts and Hudson’s Grocery. Hazel Singletary sees history. Hazel is a walking, talking Boca Grande history guide, and for goo…
‘Magna Carta’ collection, ‘Herstory’ luncheon on BGHC agenda
December 30, 2021
The Boca Grande History Center is excited to announce the formal opening of three new exhibits in addition to the current main exhibit, “Boca Grande: Once A Railroad and Industrial Town.” Join them…
Golf cart vs. tree reported Friday morning
December 24, 2021
At approximately 7 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 24 the Boca Grande Fire Department, Lee County EMS and the Lee County Sheriff’s Office were called to Gasparilla Road between 25th and 27th Street for a heavi…
GICIA releases dates for tours of Mercabo Preserve
December 24, 2021
By Misty Nichols, GICIA
The Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association is excited about relaunching the Volunteer led tours of the Mercabo Cove Site in 2022. These site tours have…