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Health & Wellness

August 27, 2020
SUBMITTED BY MARK DRISCOLL- Hello Boca Grande Clinic Community, I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and say hello. I am Mark Driscoll, the new CEO of the Boca Grande Health Clinic. …

August 21, 2020
BY DR LAUREN HANA – A lot of questions have come up in the last few months about dealing with   COVID-19 illness, symptoms or exposures involving individuals in the workplace or elsewhere. This pro…

August 7, 2020
BY SUSAN BOWERS – More than anything, I want my friends and neighbors in Boca Grande to stay well. It is our cherished home. I have never met fi ner people or had better, more loyal friends. They a…

June 26, 2020
STAFF REPORT- Social distancing is more important than ever now, as the state of Florida saw its highest day of reported cases – coming in at 5,508 new positive COVID-19 cases and 44 new reported d…

June 19, 2020
BY DR LAUREN HANA, BGHC- With a recent and continuing spike in new cases of COVID 19 nationwide, it’s important to review what we do know about the virus’s transmission and spread so proper measure…

May 29, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON- The next time you see a Big Red Bus around, you may want to set an appointment and take a seat. OneBlood is currently testing all blood donations for COVID-19. Those who donate b…

May 22, 2020
BY DALY WALKER, MD – Masks have been worn in nearly all cultures as a means of hiding individuals’ identities. They have been worn as a form of disguise by thieves, by actors in performances, as pa…

May 4, 2020
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Gov. Ron DeSantis announced on Wednesday afternoon, April 29, that Florida would take “small, deliberate and methodical steps towards a more hopeful future” by declaring a “Safe…

May 3, 2020
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Gov. Ron DeSantis announced on Wednesday afternoon, April 29, that Florida would take “small, deliberate and methodical steps towards a more hopeful future” by declaring a “Safe…

May 3, 2020
BY TOM ERVIN, MD – My family enjoys puzzles; hard puzzles. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has given a new meaning to the term “jigsaw.” Two to three months ago, all of us were faced with a puzzle….