Island resident presents award to author in D.C.
The O’Bannons of Boca Grande visited Washington D.C. this week to present South Florida author Randy Wayne White with the F…
GIWA announced 2014 water quality report
The Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc. has announced that their 2014 Water Quality Report is now ava…
Literary Forum announces new reads for 2015-2016
Books to be discussed at the Friends of the Boca Grande Community Center Literature Forum 2015-2016 season were announced t…
Suncoast cats in England: A follow-up to our original report
Remember the kitties we reported about last week, who were headed to…
GICIA tours proving successful, call to get on the list for the next one
On April 25, the Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Asso…
Letter to the Editor: Thanks to all who made Mark’s celebration special
To the Editor:
On behalf of the Shevitski family may I please send out a huge thank you to all of Marks friends who atte…
Letter to the Editor: Best wishes from the Lee County Sheriff’s Patrol
To the Editor:
As we wrap up the 2014-15 season, your local law enforcement professionals would like to thank the Boca G…
Last call for Ladies Day
If you’re interested in entering the Boca Grande Chamber of Commerce Ladies Day Tarpon Tournament, it’s still not too late…
Profile: Jim Sullivan
Jim Sullivan would prefer that the maudlin days of Equus and Macbeth were behind him, and behind the Royal…
Letters: The saga of Gilligan’s Island continues (‘That patch of weeds belongs to all of us’)
To the Editor:
I read with great interest an article by a spokesperson for the Gilchrist neighborhood Association, which…