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To the Editor: The Board of Directors of Boca Grande Charities, Inc. would like to thank everyone for making the Gasparilla…

To the Editor: The Homeless Coalition’s 2015 Point-in-Time Count indicates that across Charlotte County during a 24-hou…

To the Editor: In our busy work-a-day world sometimes it’s easy to pass on pitching in when events are organized in and for…

BY JACK SHORT This is probably the first time one of our profiles…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE The Lucky Lady proved worthy of her name when C…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE There were 120 excited kids in Boca Grande Pass on Saturday, June 6, all waiting to catch that winning…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE Five graduates headed toward the stage last Friday, June 5 at the Boca Grande Community Center Auditor…

BY JACK SHORT Last week we published part one of our analysis of Consumer Confidence Reports, particularly those issued…

The revised seven (7) day a week opening schedule for the Gasparilla Island Bridge Authority Swing Bridge is as follows…

Josephine “Dodie” Mitchell passed away on Saturday, May 23, 2015. She was born on September 3, 1936 to Harry Dorsey Mitc…