Charlotte County approves reduced impact fees
Charlotte County Commissioners voted to adopt impact fees at 40 perccent of the rate recommended by technical studies…
Last kids’ fishing tourney of the season to be held May 2
Grab your fishing pole and tackle box and come join the family fun at the next youth fishing tournament, scheduled for…
Two local parks projects to be considered by TDC
Representatives of Gasparilla Island State Parks submitted two applications to be included among the L…
Health Clinic discusses stroke response, board elections and accreditation at annual meeting
Boca Grande Fire Chief C.W. Blosser addresses the members of the boa…
‘Every person counts’: SWFWMD permit guidelines show islanders are doing it right regarding water consumption
The Gasparilla Island Water Association announced this week that…
Remembering Mark …
On Wednesday evening, April 22, the main room of the Crowninshield Community House was packed with friends and fami…
Boca Grande Dog Show raises $13,000 for homeless pets at Suncoast
The Boca Grande Dog Show, recently hosted by the Boca Grande Woman’s Club, raised $13,000 for Suncoast Humane Society…
Profile (revisited): Mark Shevitski
The following is a profile done on Mark Shevitski by the Boca Beacon in August of 1992. It was written by Karen Parker…
Obituary: Frederic Clinton Reynolds
Frederic Clinton Reynolds, 80, died peacefully at home in Mendham, NJ on March 23, 2015.
Obituary: Lois Thompson Davis
Lois Thompson Davis of Osterville, Mass. and formerly of Boca Grande and Montreal, Canada passed away peacefully at her…