Talking about elephants with Roger and Candice: OBGBBC getting ready for launch
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Let’s talk elephants. They’re big, they’re gray, they have a trunk. They are also part of this y…
Bound by Mystery – a poem by the late Lyman Randall
A burdened couple plodding
toward a distant town,
not their choice but law
requiring registration
at his place of birth
Music at St. Andrew’s to feature Handel’s Messiah
Music at St. Andrew’s presents “Handel’s Messiah – Christmas Portion” on Sunday, Dec. 20, at 5 p.m., featuring The Qol Quar…
Frank: The other Crowninshield
PROFILE: Tracy Peppers
BY SUE ERWIN – Island employee Tracy Peppers has worked at the Engle…
Coming together on Gilchrist
To the Editor: I fully support the mission of the churches on Gilchrist, but as a resident of Gilchrist I also want…
‘Taste’ tickets make great Christmas gifts
To the Editor: Thank you so very much for your continued support of the “Taste of Boca Grande.” Last year the event raised…
Cookie sale, Woman’s Club grant have helped to fund Mercabo
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – In just a scant few weeks, the Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association has achieved…
GICIA: ‘No donation too small’ for funding Mercabo project
As of Tuesday, Dec. 8 the Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association has received more $18 million in pledg…
We’re about to cross that bridge! We’ve come to it!
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – When you go to leave the island next Tuesday, Dec. 15, you’ll be getting a whole new perspective from a…