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To the Editor: I composed a letter to my island neighbors  recently regarding leafblowers, and how they were blowing that lo…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – How strange will it be to start the 2019 tarpon season out without Capt. Cappy Joiner’s voice on the rad…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – The rain arrived at the Boca Grande Community Center at almost the same time the dogs, handlers and spec…

Ladies, are you ready to win some money this year? The Boca Grande Ar…

The Florida Press Association released their 2019 nominees for the Be…

On Saturday, March 30 the grounds of the Boca Grande Community Center will be transformed into a “Safari” of fun. Since 1986…

BY SUE ERWIN – Human skeletal remains were discovered in the Gulf of Mexico by an archaeological team in 2017, and Dr. Ryan…

Join the Friends of Boca Grande on an eco-tour of South Central Florida to learn about ancient habitats that are home to the…

SUBMITTED BY THE GASPARILLA ISLAND WATER ASSOCIATION – Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc.’s 2018 Water Quality Report…

Harold Bubil, the recently retired real estate editor of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, has written many articles titled “Flor…