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■ BY SUE ERWIN The 2019 Raymond James and RSA Boca Grande Classic was tremendously successful this year, netting more than $…

■ STAFF REPORT Furthering the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s commitment to making water-quality informatio…

The Island School 2019 graduates: Lachlan Barrett, McKenzie Center, Angelina Doherty, Edwin Garcia, Micaela Heart, Morgen Ho…

The Leadership Englewood class of 2019 Luau that was held on May 18 t…

■ STAFF REPORT The Gasparilla Island Kids Classic Tarpon Tournament…

■ BY SUE ERWIN South Beach Bar and Grille Executive Chef Mimi Carvalho caught and released her first tarpon at the 2019 Ladi…

Beloved father, brother, mentor and friend to so many, Jon Paul Zorian peacefully passed away on May 23, 2019 at the age of…

To the Editor: The red tide organism, Karenia brevis, was observed at background to very low concentrations in Southwest Flo…

To the Editor: It’s that time of year: Mote Marine Laboratory scientists have started observing manatee mating herds (multip…

■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE There’s been a flurry of activity down at the beach accesses this past week, including a handful of men…