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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: How can we say thank you enough?

April 17, 2020
By Marcy Shortuse
To the Editor, How can we say thank you enough to those who keep the heart of our little world beating? To Hudson’s: We can give lots of smiles and thanks to let them know how much we appreciate their sacrifices and services, and we can remember that they were here for us when we […]

To the Editor,
How can we say thank you enough to those who keep the heart of our little world beating?
To Hudson’s: We can give lots of smiles and thanks to let them know how much we appreciate their sacrifices and services, and we can remember that they were here for us when we needed them by supporting them all year long by being loyal customers.
To the Boca Grande Postal workers, UPS and FedEx drivers: We can give lots of smiles and thanks to let them know how much we appreciate their sacrifices and services. They work tirelessly to see that the mountain of packages and mail coming and going everyday are delivered efficiently.
To the Boca Beacon: We can send them our thanks by email or note to let them know how much we appreciate their sacrifices and services. They keep us informed about our world in microcosm. 
To The Barnichol: We can give lots of smiles and thanks to let them know how much we appreciate their sacrifices and services.  Small jobs around the house do not go away without the proper fixings, and The Barnichol usually has them and advice about how to use them.
To the Boca Grande Health Clinic: We can give lots of smiles and thanks to let them know how much we appreciate their sacrifices and services. The Clinic is the jewel in our crown. What would we do without them!
To the clubs, restaurants, stores like Kappy’s, the Pink Pony and Tortuga: We can give lots of smiles and thanks to let them know how much we appreciate their sacrifices and services.
You all may not see us smiling or hear us saying thank you, but behind our masks the words and expressions are there for all of you and more. Boca Grande is the perfect place to be during this pandemic. No complaints allowed!
Sandy Jacobs
Boca Grande