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BY CAPT. JOE LACLAIR Spring fishing is so great, I love it. Big snook, reds, trout, and suicidal pompano on the shallo…

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that e…

There is something special about Garth Bailey. It only takes a few minutes talking to him to know what it is. He is unaba…

To the Editor:  Thank you for the great editorial in the p…

BY GINGER WATKINS Editor’s Note: At her last meeting as chairma…

In the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, communications for Cape Haze and Boca Grande went back to the pre-Flintstones era.  …

BY MARK DRISCOLL Here we are in March already, and I can’t believe how fast the months are flying by. I hope everyone …

The South Gulf Cove boat lock will be nonoperational due to repairs. The lock cannot be opened manually or via bridge ten…

Closing out the season’s History Bytes series was a lively hour of story-telling by jack-of-many- trades and master of al…

BY ERICA RESS MARTIN March 13 is the night I look forward to and dread. It’s the night RPP’s “The 25th annual Putnam C…