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Hurricane Helene brought the second highest water levels to Southwest Florida in 60 years (after Hurricane Ian). Below is a…

Charlotte County encourages residents to begin recovery efforts as soon as possible. To streamline the rebuilding process a…

While there was significant damage to The Gasparilla Inn during Hurricane Helene, President and General Manager Brent Cross…

On Wednesday, September 25, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office was noti…

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, local fire departments, includ…

BY WENDY FREEMAN, BOCA GRANDE WOMAN’S CLUB The interior of our building at the Community Center took in a lot of water a…

BY MARK DRISCOLL, CEO The Boca Grande Health Clinic is operational with a small team onsite and physicians on call for u…

After Hurricane Helene, family and friends came and picked up Capt. William ‘Dumplin’ Wheeler in a jon boat. Here, he simul…

Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 5, will not only be a Presidential election, but it will have a large number of state, federa…

Lee County provided a hurricane recovery update at its regularly scheduled Board of County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday…