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■ STAFF REPORT Award-winning Santa Rosa Beach artist Kathleen Broaderick will be offering a two-day oil workshop at the Bo…

■ BY BOOTS TOLSDORF Once again, Royal Palm Players will perform February’s comedy. This year, it is a cast of 11 sharing g…

■ BY MARY COOK Prominent British author/historian Andrew Roberts was back in Boca Grande last week on Wednesday, January 3…

■ STAFF REPORT On Tuesday, Feb. 5 Coastal Conservation Association …

■ STAFF REPORT The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissio…

Sally Austerberry Dinan, a full-time resident of Boca Grande, died at home on February 1. She fought a fierce year-long ba…

■ BY SUE ERWIN After serving in the Navy for almost five years and an accomplished 32-year career with IBM, Charles Stark …

To the Editor: In light of recent discussion of “gun violence,” here are some facts to frame the issue (most are FBI unifo…

To the Editor: Thank you to the 120 people who attended the informative and moving January 25th presentation on the nation…

■ STAFF REPORT As February approaches, we want to make you aware that you have another option to report your love on Valen…