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To the Editor, So, last week, I ran into Hudson’s for a few things. At the checkout, Robin handed me a tissue wrapped “gift”…

SUBMITTED BY THE GICIA – The Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association is kicking off its 50th year working…

BY MARK DRISCOLL, CEO OF THE BOCA GRANDE HEALTH CLINIC – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently issue…

BY TONYA BRAMLAGE – Our Boca Grande community continues to support He…

BY ERICA RESS MARTIN – What a strange year it has been. RPP’s big mus…

The Barrier Island Parks Society and Mote Marine Laboratory will host a virtual series on Zoom on March 23 and 30 at 4 p.m…

BY SUSAN HANAFEE – Having hundreds of “aunts” and “grandmothers” eager to share in the excitement of your first baby is pret…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – It’s been a busy week of ambulance calls, alarms and water rescues for the Boca Grande Fire Department…

BY BOOTS TOLSDORF – With no lines to memorize this year for RPP, (yea!) I have turned to other endeavors, not unlike most of…

BY TONYA BRAMLAGE – Although one can never fully know the daily sights that will be seen while spending a day outdoors here…