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To the Editor: The Base got the message. Two-thirds of the seats were vacant at President Trump’s recent Tulsa campaign ra…

STAFF REPORT- The importance of completing the 2020 Census is especially clear today as the community responds to the chal…

From friends to football, she cherishes the little things in between… BY OLIVIA CAMERON- Mary Keene has served the commu…

To the Editor: Take a walk on the wet side! Charlotte Harbor Enviro…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE- The sharks took more than their fair share of a …

STAFF REPORT- This Saturday, June 20, the rescheduled Red Gill Tarpon Tournament will be held in the Pass from 5 to 8 p.m….

BY DR LAUREN HANA, BGHC- With a recent and continuing spike in new cases of COVID 19 nationwide, it’s important to review …

STAFF REPORT- The Boca Grande Swing Bridge suffered a malfunction at 3 p.m. on Friday June 12, and was closed to boat traf…

Note: CenturyLink services were restored to some islanders on Tuesday afternoon, after this article was written. BY OLIVIA…

BY OLIVIA CAMERON- Reeling in a tarpon is a rite of passage in the town of Boca Grande. As a Florida native, I spent most …