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To The Editor: Every morning I pick up trash….even things as small as cigarette butts….along the bike trail when I’m…

To the Editor: Lee County today launched a new resource website to provide a wide range of information tools to resident…

To the Editor: The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting a traffic initiative during the St. Patrick’s Da…

While the Suncoast Humane Society has named its fundraiser, “Dog Day…

“The best thing to do is just leave them alone. Alligators  want to…

With more than half of the population of Boca Grande at 65 years and older, it’s no surprise that  needing – or recovering…

“To survive today, other animals must endure global warming, pollution and fewer habitats. More tragically, they must  …

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The fences at Hill Tide Estate seem to be procreating.  While the only “new” news we have regarding the original fence i…

Residents and visitors are asked to keep their eyes open for signs of unusual activity – particularly at night  – as it app…