Bocascopes for the week of October 28, 2022
Boca Beacon backpages
Aries: It is entirely possible that your paranoid nature will pay off this week. Your cell phone…
Boca Beacon timeline
Lee County officials announced when landscaping waste would be picked up from Hurricane Irma. Land’s End…
Hang tag program extended until October 29
The hang tag program we have now has been extended until October 29, as officials feel it is still unsafe for the general p…
Information regarding hurricane debris removal
Charlotte County Public Works contractors are out in force removing…
‘This may be our slice of paradise, but putting it back together will be no piece of cake’
LGI comes together to confront one of the worst storms in their hist…
A message from The Gasparilla Inn & Club
Submitted by Jon Reecher, General Manager of The Inn
On behalf of everyone in The Gasparilla Inn community, I want to th…
Woman’s Club Hurricane Ian Relief Fund
Accepting applications from those in need with Gasparilla Island ties
Submitted by the Boca Grande Woman’s Club
The B…
Boca Grande Disaster Fund created to help businesses, nonprofits and churches
Money isn’t everything, but it is something. It is something that can help bring peace of mind to people who have lost so m…
Port Boca Grande Lighthouse, Amory Chapel, Cayo Costa will need a good bit of time to recuperate from Hurricane Ian
There is bad news and good news at the Barrier Island Parks Society (BIPS) regarding damages from Hurricane Ian.
Yes, we will have a precinct to vote at on November 8
If you heard through the grapevine that our voting precinct would be closed for the general election in November, that is n…