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BY LAMAR TOOLE New Jersey farmer-grown flowers were in bloom at the Lighthouse United Methodist Church on Wednesday, Jan…

Art On Park Avenue returns on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 22-23, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days. Park Avenue and 4th Street…

BY THE ENGLEWOOD CHAMBER Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the Englewood community and a substantial contribution…

The Gasparilla Island Bridge Authority held an audit meeting on Tues…

Longtime golfer and Boca Beacon columnist Phil Woods will be honored…

The Scholarship Committee of the Boca Grande Woman’s Club is accepting scholarship applications. Applicants for the program…

BY KAREN GRACE BOCA GRANDE HISTORY CENTER Frank and Louise DuPont Crowninshield first came to Boca Grande in 1916 or 191…

BY JEFF MOORE, CHAIRMAN BOARD OF TRUSTEES We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors, both big…

Residents of Boca Grande have been seeing jet vacuum trucks cleaning up drains and sewers. The work is part of a master con…

The Lee County Hearing Examiner is set at press-time to hear a zoning case regarding the Boca Grande Health Clinic’s new an…