Letters: Thanks to the men of the boat ‘Lucky 13’ who came to assist
To the Editor:
We want to thank the two men in their boat “Lucky 13”, whose names we did not catch and who helpe…
Letters: Real reason for the GIBA bridge authority about access to island
To the Editor:
I read the brief excerpt and felt that the author left out some important points regarding the creation…
Letters: Artists thank Boca Grande community for support for festival
To the Editor:
I want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone in Boca Grande for embracing the Art Festival …
Hot dogs with the Methodists at the Strawberry Beach
On Sunday morning, the day after the Strawberry Festival, a four-y…
IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Rebecca Cleveland, Third generation in local art
The COVID pandemic was a terrible thing, but it had some incredibl…
Island Emergency Operations Center design unveiled March 5
The Boca Grande Fire Department’s Emergency Communications and Interoperabili…
What’s on Your Plate: Tips to boost nutrition
March is the harbinger of spring and with it, the start of daylight saving time – an extra hour for healthy activities fr…
Henhouse Prowlers Rolling Wheels spring tour
Spring is coming to town and so are the Henhouse Prowlers! Founded nearly two decades ago with the simple desire to play …
Green Gala for BIPS March 25
The Barrier Island Parks Society is hosting the 25th Annual Green Gala, after being unable to hold the event last year du…
Island letters in Putnam County Spelling Bee
Having never experienced a Spelling Bee in my life, either as a contestant or a viewer, I was curio…