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Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce 2023 position on parking

November 27, 2023
By Garland Pollard

The Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce issued a letter on November 27, 2023, regarding parking in the downtown area. Below is the full letter from Executive Director Gary Cross. 

“The mission of the Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce is to foster the development and prosperity of its members’ businesses and the economic growth of the Boca Grande Area. 

“We appreciate Lee County and the Boca Grande Parking Panel’s attention to the parking in Boca Grande. We understand there is no perfect answer to these issues; however, the Chamber’s official position is that eliminating any parking space near the downtown community would adversely affect commerce in the area. The Boca Grande Chamber of Commerce puts extreme value on every parking place within walking distance of the downtown community, merchants, and restaurants. 

“Thank you for considering our input. We are certainly available for any future discussions and would be happy to speak with representatives as appropriate.

Gary Cross
Executive Director