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April 4, 2024
The dire warning above of sea creatures dying continues to rise. In fact, the ongoing saga of the continuous decline of the Atlantic right whale has taken a back seat in the news recently. The lat…

April 4, 2024
To the Editor:  I have been reluctant to participate in your newspaper’s reporting in the past because I did not feel that the coverage was fair or accurate. However, considering your most…

April 4, 2024
To the Editor: On behalf of the Board of Directors of Royal Palm Players, I want to thank the community of Boca Grande for their support of our remarkably successful season. Our mission is to E…

April 4, 2024
We appreciate the many personal visits from residents coming by to pick up their 4-Digit Phone Book. We have a standard ritual for it, namely we check to see if the listing is correct, we give eac…

March 28, 2024
BY CAPT. WILL WATERHOUSE Lots of snook have moved into the back country! The last two weeks have been great fishing around Boca Grande, even in the high wind conditions. We are seeing lots of s…

March 28, 2024
Easter Sunday has always represented new life, a sign of rebirth and a time of hope for better days ahead as problems of the world swirl around us. It is more than the fluff of Easter things that …

March 28, 2024
As we celebrate the 21st birthday of the Boca Grande Health Clinic Foundation, it’s an appropriate time to honor the visionaries who laid the groundwork for a healthier community and to recognize …

March 28, 2024
To the Editor: As 25-year B.G. homeowners my wife and I hear mounting questions from residents as they try to understand the reasoning for the many recent impactful decisions made by the boards…

March 28, 2024
Of the two big religious holidays, it is Easter that is the one that makes the most sense, culturally to Florida. In the imagination, Christmas is a cold weather holiday, and a “too hot” Christmas…

March 22, 2024
BY CAPT. SANDY MELVIN A little late season cold front with strong winds knocked back our local fishing for a few days last week. There was a pretty strong bite for snook and redfish going on…