Letters to the Editor
Mote’s tarpon tagging kicks off for 2017 in Charlotte Harbor
June 2, 2017
■ SUBMITTED BY MOTE MARINE LABORATORY & AQUARIUM A Mote Marine Laboratory scientist worked with Charlotte Harbor anglers to tag their first tarpon of 2017 on May 16 in Charlotte Harbor — an earl…
New book announced by BGHS
May 19, 2017
To the Editor: Announcing a new book available at the Boca Grande History Center, 170 Park Avenue on the corner of Park & Banyan Street, entrance in back. “Once Upon an Island, Snapshots of Boca…
Many thanks to all who helped to cater Ladies Day
May 19, 2017
To the Editor: Last Friday’s Ladies Day Captain’s Party buffett was catered by Karen Kelley and Dan Nuzzi and the theme for the food was “what a mermaid eats.” We served steamed shrimp, seaweed salad…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Bravo to the Kids’ Drama Club and those who support it!
May 19, 2017
To the Editor: Bravo to the 23 children from The Island School who starred in RPP’s Kids’ Drama Club performance of “Here We Go, Again” on May 11. Bravo to the volunteers from Royal Palm Players, inc…
Englewood Bank & Trust collecting food for the troops
May 12, 2017
To the Editor: Kevin Hagan, president of Englewood Bank & Trust, announced that the bank will serve as a collection point for nonperishable food items and toiletries for the Rotary Club of Englew…
Registration now open for summer programs on island
May 5, 2017
To the Editor: Registration has started for the 2017 summer camps at Lee County Parks & Recreation. These camps draw thousands of youngsters throughout the region to programs, outings and activi…
Literature Forum thanks all for another great season
April 28, 2017
To the Editor: The Literature Forum has ended another successful season. More than 200 lovers of fine literature attended the past season’s Literature Forum. Able presenters and discussion leaders, i…
More than $35,000 raised for SHS: Thank you, Boca Grande!
April 21, 2017
To the Editor: The Boca Grande Woman’s Club’s 2017 Dog Show Chairs would like to thank our entire Dog Show and Yappy Hour Party volunteers for their wonderful job in making this year’s events such an…
Be courteous and safe when on the Bike Path
April 14, 2017
To the Editor: The Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association (GICIA) continues to encourage everyone to be safe and courteous when using the Bike Path. With another wave of visitors…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Woman’s Club Fair, bike parade kudos given
April 7, 2017
To the Editor: The Boca Grande Woman’s Club held their annual Spring Fair at the Community Center on Saturday, March 25, following the Bike Path parade. “The Magic of Movies” was the theme of this ye…