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Letters to the Editor

July 29, 2022
To the Editor: Please open a new window of opportunity to embrace a new concept promoted by Northeastern University, and a fresh new approach introduced by Gabrial Cira, architect of the new “Eme…

July 29, 2022
To the Editor: Lee Clerk customers can now get their official records certified from the convenience of their home computer. The new service produces electronically certified documents, such as a…

July 29, 2022
To the Editor: Orders for Bonefish Tarpon Trust plates are now being accepted. The BTT plate will be produced as soon as we have sold 3,000 vouchers at a cost of $33 each ($25 will directly benef…

July 21, 2022
To the Editor: Gulf Coast Community Foundation is now accepting applications for its October 2022 Fall Gulf Coast Board Institute (GCBI). The online application and overview for the program are a…

July 21, 2022
To the Editor: St. James City boat ramp closed July 25 to January Pine Island Commercial Marina, 6001 Maria Drive, Saint James City will close Monday, July 25, through the remainder of the yea…

July 21, 2022
To the Editor: Charlotte County supports and promotes healthy, active lifestyles. Our Community Services Department uses the phrase  “Get Up, Get Out, Get Active” in its outreach to resident…

July 8, 2022
 To the Editor:  Florida gas prices declined through the Independence Day holiday weekend, even as a record number of Americans were forecast to take a road trip. (This year’s actual ho…

July 8, 2022
To the Editor:  First off, I’d like to tell you how much I appreciate your fine newspaper and excellent reporting of timely happenings and news around the Boca Grande area. Please keep up th…

July 1, 2022
“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its        members.”                  &nbsp…

June 24, 2022
To the Editor: Gasparilla island Maritime Museum hosted The Howl at The Moon tournament on last Saturday  night. The evening storms veered to the east and the tarpon bite was on  immedi…