LBC supports expansion of Florida Forever Project
June 3, 2016
To the Editor: The Lemon Bay Conservancy (LBC) is a 501(c) 3 charitable land trust operating successfully in the Charlotte Harbor Watershed since 1972. LBC is pleased to provide this letter of suppor…
Ladies Day committee thanks all for a great time
May 27, 2016
To the Editor: The Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce’s 26th Annual Ladies Day Tarpon Tournament had a successful outcome with a field of 36 boats and 11 total tarpon released on May 7, 2016. Brend…
Thank you to all who have served
May 27, 2016
To the Editor: We will always be grateful and thankful to the Beacon for the story of John Bourgoin and Walter Tatko. Great story about two great guys who contributed to victory in WWII. They were in…
There are lots of legends in Boca Grande Pass
May 20, 2016
By the time this week’s newspaper goes to press, we will be halfway into The World’s Richest Tarpon Tournament for 2016. We are very lucky to have the greatest tarpon fishery in the world right in o…
Celebrate World Ocean’s Day with Mote on June 4
May 13, 2016
To the Editor:
Come celebrate our connection to the ocean during a World Oceans Day Family Festival from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 4, at Mote Aquarium. World Oceans Day is an internationa…
Bad vibrations
April 29, 2016
Letter to the Editor, To maintain safe and efficient traffic flow at all times through the toll booths, along the causeway and along the Intercoastal waterway. To make fair and balanced decision…
A commentary on public bathrooms and suggestions
April 22, 2016
To the Editor: In my hometown of Nashua, New Hampshire, we had a beautiful outdoor space known as Greeley Park. Bridal parties from around the area would come to Greeley Park to have their wedding pi…
Historical Society thanks all for great season
April 22, 2016
Letter to the Editor, The Boca Grande Historical Society would like to thank our members, volunteers, sponsors, donors, the Board and directors for your continued support and kindness. We had one of…
GIBA says ‘thank you’ for another great season
April 15, 2016
Letter to the Editor;
Like the tides on the beaches of Boca Grande, seasonal vehicles come and go with both predictability and occasional extraordinary highs. Each new seasonal tide provides us with…
200 have homes, thanks to the BG Haiti project
April 8, 2016
Letter to the Editor; Most people know by now about the BG Haiti project that has been taking place for the last seven years. In that time period, this generous community has donated $1,650,000 to b…