Could the entire island be considered a historic district?
July 14, 2017
To the Editor: I am fortunate enough to have been coming to Boca Grande for 33 years. I have seen a lot of changes over the years. The charm and beauty of Boca Grande is a treasure to be preserved. I…
Knowing when to stay or to go
July 7, 2017
■ BY JERRY MALLETT Should I stay or should I go? In 1981 the English rock band The Clash produced a song with the lyrics, “Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble, and if I st…
Many GIKC ‘thank yous’ to go around
June 30, 2017
Thank You! The Board of Directors of Boca Grande Charities, Inc. would like to thank everyone for making the 2017 Gasparilla Island Kids’ Classic Tarpon Tournament such a great success. The kids had…
CCSO marine unit joins Operation Dry Water campaign
June 23, 2017
To the Editor: The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office will be participating in Operation Dry Water as part of a nationally coordinated effort to increase knowledge about the dangers of boating under t…
Is there any way to stop the pirate-ization of Boca Grande?
June 16, 2017
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE “Heard an old man by the pier asking where the time’s all gone, it’s been almost 50 years; my, how this place has grown. “Used to come here by ferry before they built that big hot…
Time to catch some feline fish! Mote to hold Lionfish Derby
June 9, 2017
■ SUBMITTED BY MOTE MARINE LABORATORY & AQUARIUM Join Mote Marine Laboratory for the fourth annual Sarasota Lionfish Derby, which invites scuba divers to compete for more than $3,500 in cash priz…
Mote’s tarpon tagging kicks off for 2017 in Charlotte Harbor
June 2, 2017
■ SUBMITTED BY MOTE MARINE LABORATORY & AQUARIUM A Mote Marine Laboratory scientist worked with Charlotte Harbor anglers to tag their first tarpon of 2017 on May 16 in Charlotte Harbor — an earl…
Memorial Day weekend marine life reminder
May 26, 2017
■ SUBMITTED BY MOTE MARINE LABORATORY & AQUARIUM The sun is out, the weather is warm, and it is the perfect time of year for boating in Southwest Florida’s coastal waters. Mote Marine Laboratory…
Literature Forum thanks all for another great season
April 28, 2017
To the Editor: The Literature Forum has ended another successful season. More than 200 lovers of fine literature attended the past season’s Literature Forum. Able presenters and discussion leaders, i…
GUEST EDITORIAL: Thank you, Boca Grande, for helping to rebuild Haiti
April 7, 2017
BY BEN SCOTT – On behalf of the Hope for Haitian Committee of Boca Grande, we thank all donors for their heartfelt gifts and making this a very successful year. We exceeded our goal of building 130 h…