BGHS says now is the time to become a member
January 4, 2019
To the Editor: If you have not yet joined the Boca Grande Historical Society, now is the time! Our new exhibit, “Boca Grande, Once a Railroad and Industrial Town,” is now open to the public; our Arch…
Englewood naturalist says things are looking up
December 21, 2018
To the Editor: Life along the beach in Southwest Florida has been difficult in 2018, with persistent red tide brought on shore by westerly winds. The resultant mortality of fish and invertebrates plu…
It takes a village to make ‘The Taste’ successful
December 21, 2018
To the Editor: Our committee, which is casually known as “The Taste,” would like to tell you about the work that must be done before we can earn money for our charity, The Taste of Boca Grande. We ar…
Tour of Homes to be held January 31
December 14, 2018
To the Editor: The Boca Grande Historical Society will once again present their Tour of Homes and Luncheon on Thursday, Jan. 31, 2019 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Luncheon will be at The Gasparilla Inn &am…
Captains for Clean Water to host benefit in January … and you’re invited to join in the fun
December 14, 2018
To the Editor:
Join us on January 6, 2019 from 4 to 7 p.m. for a benefit for Captains for Clean Water. There will be speakers, heavy hors d’oeuvres, an open bar, a silent auction, live music by Soun…
Many thanks for giving legendary portrait a facelift
December 14, 2018
To the Editor: Kudos and THANKS! to Susan Bowers for having the picture of Louise du Pont Crowninshield restored and reframed. She looks wonderful hanging in her traditional spot, over the mantelpiec…
Remembering the days when people were kind in Boca Grande
December 7, 2018
To the Editor: Could someone inform the thieves of Boca Grande that public land is public land, and that claiming “their” beach is private needs to stop? The accesses are supposed to be 50 feet wide…
Mark your calendars for Swayze Studio Art Lovers’ Party
December 7, 2018
To the Editor: Mark your calendars for the 31st annual Studio Party/Art Lovers’ Appreciation Day/Once-a-Year Art Sale on Saturday, Dec. 15 from 2 to 10 p.m. at The Carroll Swayze Studio, 2373 Donovan…
Suncoast Humane Society announces December events
December 7, 2018
To the Editor: Suncoast Humane Society will hold their popular “Doggie Tales” reading adventures and “Dog About Town” in December on the following dates:
December 7, 1 to 3 p.m., Dog About Town, Pet…
So this red tide … is it ever going away?
November 30, 2018
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE As I type this on a Wednesday morning, it’s a brisk 58 degrees outside at 11:30 a.m. The wind is howling through the pillars down below my “porch” office at the Beacon that sticks…