Obituary: Memorial service for William D. Rader
February 17, 2017
A memorial service for William Donald Rader will be held on Saturday, March 4 at the Boca Bay Pass Club Powerhouse, located at 801 Gulf Blvd. in Boca Grande. Mr. Rader passed away at the age of…
Obituary: William A. Hanley Jr.
February 10, 2017
William Andrew Hanley, Jr., known to all as Will, died peacefully at his home in Boca Grande in the early hours of February 6, 2017. Cotton, his loving wife of 42 years, his daughter Bobsey Fansler (…
Obituary: Doris Jean Bishop
February 10, 2017
Doris Jean Zintek Bishop, 86, of Boca Grande passed away at her home on February 2, 2017. Doris was born in West Allis, Wisconsin on September 7, 1930 to Dr. Sylvester and Pearl Zintek. She spent her…
Obituary: Barbara Anne Benisek
January 27, 2017
Barbara Anne Benisek, 85, passed away on January 19, 2017. Formerly of Grand Rapids and Ada, Michigan, Barbara resided in Frankfort, Michigan and spent winters in Boca Grande. She passed away pe…
Obituary: Creighton L. Sherman
January 27, 2017
Creighton L. Sherman, 90, of Marshall, Mich. (formerly of Boca Grande) passed away on Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017. He was born on January 31, 1926. Mr.Sherman was the first executive director of the G…
Obituary: William D. Rader
January 20, 2017
William Donald Rader, 86, a former resident of Greenwich, Conn. and of Block Island, R.I., died peacefully in his Boca Grande home surrounded by his three daughters on January 11, 2017. “Bill,”…
Obituary: Robert Edmund Boomer
January 13, 2017
Robert Edmund Boomer passed away peacefully on January 2, 2017 in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. He was born on June 17, 1926, the second of five children to Roy and Helen Clippert Boomer. A lifelong D…
Obituary: Ruth Ross
December 30, 2016
Ruth Ross, who dearly loved Boca Grande, died on October 15, 2016. She was born in 1925. A memorial is being held on Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 4 p.m. at St Andrews Episcopal Church on Gilchrist Ave.
Obituary: Shelley White
December 23, 2016
Shelley White passed peacefully in the comfort of her home on December 12, 2016. She was born June 6th, 1931, daughter of John and Katherine (Shelton) Bindloss of Stonington, CT. Shelley grew up…
Obit: Alice Beatrice ‘Beasie’ Churchman du Pont
December 16, 2016
Alice Beatrice (Beasie) Churchman du Pont, 100, passed away peacefully on December 12, 2016 at her home in Fairfield, Connecticut. She was born in September 22, 1916 in Morristown, N.J. and was the d…