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March 25, 2016
■ BY SUE ERWIN Guests of all ages are invited to come and meet “Snappy,” a 60-year-old turtle weighing more than 90 pounds, when the popular “Reptile Man,” John Storms, visits the island this weekend…

March 25, 2016
■ BY SUE ERWIN Two gentlemen on the island are searching for individuals interested in getting together to play casual games of lacrosse. Men, women and children of any age are welcome to play. Larry…

March 25, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT      On Saturday, April 2 students from Lemon Bay High School will hold a bake sale by the bike path at the Boca Grande Post Office between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to raise money for their…

March 25, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT On Thursday, March 31 at 10 a.m. the Barrier Island Parks Society will hold a public information meeting regarding the pending acquisition of the Gasparilla Island Light (The Range Lig…

March 25, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT Better get your running shoes on and your armor buffed, for the final day of the Boca Bar-gains season has been announced. The final day, or “Bag Day,” as we call it, will be Wednesday…

March 25, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT Two accidents in the last few days have left several island visitors with bumps, bruises and banged-up cars. On Friday, March 18 at approximately 4:50 p.m. the Boca Grande Fire Departm…

March 25, 2016
On March 18, 2016, after battling leukemia for two years, Kay Frances Bell let go and made the decision to fly with the angels. Her passing was quiet and serene.                She has been a residen…

March 25, 2016
To the Editor: Thank you for Sue Erwin’s accurate and evenhanded reporting on the Parking Advisory meeting on Wednesday, March 16 – with one important correction. Those of us living on b…

March 25, 2016
Many locals who have shopped for ladies’ clothing on the island for the past two decades may be familiar with this week’s profile candidate. Seasonal resident Carol Miller first started working in Bo…

March 18, 2016
Recent changes to the buoys marking the Boca Grande Channel will affect tarpon anglers and others fishing in Boca Grande Pass during the months of April, May, and June. Because of natural shifts in…