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April 15, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT      Visitors to Gasparilla Island State Park will have the rare opportunity to tour the lamp room at the top of the Historic Port Boca Grande Lighthouse on April 16. The Barrier Isl…

April 15, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT      Larry Hannah, chair of the Gasparilla Island Light fundraising effort, reported that donations have reached $725,000 in cash and pledges. That’s still well short of the project …

April 15, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT Construction status updates, vibration analysis reports and a special request were on the agenda for The Gasparilla Island Bridge Authority Engineering Committee meeting held on Wedn…

April 15, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT       The Boca Grande Health Clinic had an exciting two days last week, as their annual fundraising festivities began with a quarterly meeting on Thursday, April 7 (see page 20 for t…

April 15, 2016
■ BY SUE ERWIN      A common word that often comes to mind when many people think about bacteria is “gross.” Mote Marine postdoctoral research fellow Dr. Andrea Tarnecki tried to break that bad rep…

April 15, 2016
■ BY SUE ERWIN      Committee Chair Bayne Stevenson of the Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association unveiled a large reproduction illustrating the envisioned GICIA Preserve at a p…

April 15, 2016
Letter to the Editor; Like the tides on the beaches of Boca Grande, seasonal vehicles come and go with both predictability and occasional extraordinary highs. Each new seasonal tide provides us wit…

April 15, 2016
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE & JIM BENSON Jim Benson may be a young man, but his passion for life and his work ethic run deep. That’s not to say he’s a guy who can’t have a good time – he definitely can…

April 8, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT      The Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce will host an April Mixer on Wednesday, April 13 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at their office, located at 471 Park Avenue in the Pink Pony Courtya…

April 8, 2016
■ BY SUE ERWIN      Approximately 500 cyclists will be spinning down Gasparilla Road on Thursday, April 14. But don’t be alarmed – precautions have been well planned out, and the event shouldn’t ha…