Bocascopes for the week of April 15, 2022
April 15, 2022
Boca Beacon backpages 4.15.2022
DOG LIFE: Dog aggression?
April 15, 2022
Although the topic of dog aggression is huge, we have shortened it as much as possible. Aggressive behavior of any kind should not be taken lightly, and even when dogs are young, don’t assume they…
Serving humanity the best he can in these trying times: Island born, Ukraine bound
April 14, 2022
Roman in Ukraine.
The war in Ukraine is being fought some 6,000 miles from Boca Grande, but it is also being fought in our own backyard … and affecting people we know and care about. This week we…
Historic Preservation Board discusses Journey’s End and possibility of rezoning downtown for multi-use
April 14, 2022
At the monthly meeting of the Boca Grande Historic Preservation Board on Wednesday, April 13, the sentinel of 18th street – Journey’s End – was the topic of discussion, as the board voted unanimousl…
Downtown road resurfacing looks like a ‘go’ for May
April 14, 2022
On Tuesday, April 19 the Lee County Manager is expected to approve a plan on behalf of Lee County commissioners that partners the County with Ajax Paving Industries of Florida, LLC in resurfacing Bo…