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Health & Wellness

March 20, 2020
BY DALY WALKER, MD – The Coronavirus is now moving explosively through the world’s human population. The latest scientific reports warn that without action by the government and individuals to slow t…

March 13, 2020
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – We do NOT have a confirmed case of COVID-19 on Gasparilla Island. According to officials, “The Boca Grande Fire Department responded to an EMS call this morning where the screenin…

February 28, 2020
BY LAUREN HANA MD – The novel (new) coronavirus, now called COVID-19, is a respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China in December of 2019. Initial cases were linked to a large open-air seafoo…

June 22, 2018
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE UPDATE: Gov. Rick Scott has now issued an emergency order to allow water from Lake Okeechobee to be discharged to the south, into the Everglades, instead of directing runoff prima…

December 22, 2017
■ BY DR LAUREN HANA The Clinic saw its first test positive case of Influenza A this week,so this is a good time to review some “flu facts.” The influenza virus, “the flu,” causes a respiratory illnes…

September 30, 2016
■ BY SUE ERWIN      Coughing, sneezing and runny noses were common annoyances for islanders this week, after thousands of dead fish washed up on Charlotte County beaches. The irritations were the res…

September 30, 2016
Dear friends and patients of the Boca Grande Health Clinic: As the “season” approaches, it seems timely to send out an update about Zika virus disease. You might be aware that Zika virus is now endem…