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Health & Wellness

October 16, 2020
STAFF REPORT- If you’re an adult in 2020 and think things are bad, put yourself in the shoes of a child whose main question isn’t what they will be for Halloween, but if there is even going to be one…

October 16, 2020
Over the past six to eight months, the Boca Grande Health Clinic and its physicians have worked hard to provide a care environment that laid the foundation for the safe return of winter residents and…

October 9, 2020
BY MARK DRISCOLL, CEO, BGHC- Over the past few months, the Boca Grande Health Clinic and its physicians have worked hard to provide a care environment that lays the foundation for the safe return of…

October 9, 2020
SUBMITTED BY THE BGHC- Mental illness. It’s almost as common as the everyday cold. Yet it’s considered by many a taboo subject. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, one in five U.S…

September 25, 2020
A four-part free webinar series to provide sound facts about COVID-19; including recommendations for safe travel and safe living on island this season, has begun and is being held by the Boca G…

September 25, 2020
STAFF REPORT – In recognition of the annual health observance, International Clean Hands Week, the Boca Grande Health Clinic would like to talk about the importance of good hand hygiene. Sponsored by…

September 11, 2020
BY MARK DRISCOLL- Before coming back to the island this year, please get a flu shot. If you are working on the island, please get a flu shot. It does not matter where you get your flu shot, but makin…

September 4, 2020
BY LAUREN HANA- These are just a few thoughts about gatherings and COVID-19 (by popular demand). First, let’s start with a definition of a term we are all hearing thrown around a lot lately: Herd imm…

August 27, 2020
SUBMITTED BY MARK DRISCOLL- Hello Boca Grande Clinic Community, I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and say hello. I am Mark Driscoll, the new CEO of the Boca Grande Health Clinic. I…

August 21, 2020
BY DR LAUREN HANA – A lot of questions have come up in the last few months about dealing with   COVID-19 illness, symptoms or exposures involving individuals in the workplace or elsewhere. This promp…