Featured News
PROFILE: Tom Cross
March 13, 2021
BY T MICHELE WALKER – When Dos Equis beer created their “Most Interesting Man in the World” advertising campaign, the ads featured a bearded, debonair gentleman with voiceovers that were both humorou…
EDITORIAL: The GICIA turns 50 years old
March 13, 2021
SUBMITTED BY THE GICIA – As the Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association celebrates its 50th Anniversary working to preserve island life, it is the perfect time to reflect on its be…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The last resort?
March 13, 2021
To the Editor,
“… some rich men came and raped the land, nobody caught’em. Put up a bunch of ugly boxes, and Jesus, people bought’em. They called it paradise the place to be. They watched the hazy…
Keep those cards and letters coming regarding the NHR
March 7, 2021
BY SUSAN HANAFEE – In anticipation of next week’s meeting, scores of emails have been received by the Boca Grande Historic Preservation Board on the proposal to include a portion of the downtown in t…
Sago palms everywhere on the island, but deadly to pets
March 7, 2021
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Pet owners, be aware: Sago palm trees are in full fruit, and the red nuts that fall all over the ground can kill a pet or child if ingested. Several island dogs have succumbed to…
What to do with a 300-pound deceased sea turtle
March 7, 2021
BY TONYA BRAMLAGE – One of the most amazing aspects of living on the beach on Gasparilla Island is to see sea turtles coming up to nest on our beaches. While only a few people have been lucky enough…
Register now for the Annual Bike Path ‘Grande’ Parade
March 7, 2021
STAFF REPORT – The 35th Annual Bike Path “Grande” Parade will be held next Saturday, March 13, with heat times running between 10:30 to 11 a.m. (no regular line-up due to social distancing). Registra…
OBITUARY: Garfield Beckstead
February 27, 2021
Garfield Ray Beckstead, founder and owner of Useppa Island Club, passed away peacefully on the evening of February 16, 2021 at the age of 82 after a long and bravely fought battle with cancer. Ga…
EDITORIAL: Something to be remembered by; would you be willing to leave a legacy to the people of Placida and Boca Grande?
February 27, 2021
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Just across the little bridge by the Fishery is a 91-acre piece of land that for many of us is a piece of old Florida eye candy. You’ll recognize the parcel I mean by mentionin…
What women need to know about heart disease
February 20, 2021
BY LAUREN HANA MD – In honor of American Heart Month, in our continuing series on heart health, today I want to focus on women and heart disease. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in the Un…