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April 14, 2017
■ BY SUE ERWIN When island resident Barbara Edgerton was asked to manage a collection of World War stories from Boca Grande families, she happily agreed, even though that meant dedicating the next ye…

April 14, 2017
■ STAFF REPORT Congratulations to the artist of the 2017 World’s Richest Tarpon Tournament, Kelly Reark. Kelly is an award-winning local artist inspired by her days fishing in Boca Grande and Chokolo…

April 14, 2017
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE Netflix viewers will soon get a little taste of a Boca Grande legend in the series “Bloodline,” which returns to the screen this summer. Starring Kyle Chandler, Ben Mendelsohn and…

April 14, 2017
■ BY SUE ERWIN Tarpon is iconic on our island, and it’s a gem under study for Mote Marine Laboratory scientist Dr. Jim Locascio. He presented a program sharing his latest research on acoustic tagging…

April 14, 2017
■  SUE ERWIN You might see her performing on stage in the Boca Grande Community Center auditorium, taking a painting class at the art alliance, singing in the choir at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church o…

April 14, 2017
To the Editor: The Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association (GICIA) continues to encourage everyone to be safe and courteous when using the Bike Path. With another wave of visitors…

April 7, 2017
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – In the end, Jenkins was the man. You could see by the look in his eye it was plan all along to win the highly-sought “Boca Bowser” prize at the 2017 Boca Grande Woman’s Club Dog S…

April 7, 2017
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – This is the story of a true island girl, and it is the story of her life … not her death. It’s not a story we ever wanted to write, but the time has come. On April 4, 2017 Blair…

April 7, 2017
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Something unprecedented happened at The Island School this year, and its as much a testament to the loyalty of the community as it is a very sad state of affairs. This week a lott…

April 7, 2017
Strap yourself in, take your nitroglycerin pills if you got ‘em, and inhale slowly … the 4-digit books are here! If you are an island resident, you are entitled to one free phone book. Addition…