Featured News
Obituary: Richard Leatherwood
June 30, 2017
Richard L. Leatherwood, age 78, of Boca Grande and Walland, Tenn., died at his mountain home on June 25, 2017. He is survived by his wife Mary Ann; his daughter and son-in-law, Katherine and Eric Bra…
Profile: Leiah Goudy
June 30, 2017
■ BY SUE ERWIN Leiah Goudy enjoys spending her days overlooking the bayou at the Boca Grande Marina. She has been the manager at the ship store there for the past four years. Her earliest memories of…
Many GIKC ‘thank yous’ to go around
June 30, 2017
Thank You! The Board of Directors of Boca Grande Charities, Inc. would like to thank everyone for making the 2017 Gasparilla Island Kids’ Classic Tarpon Tournament such a great success. The kids had…
A trash-finding mission
June 23, 2017
■ Summer camp isn’t always just about swimming and crafting. This week the kids from the Lee County Parks & Recreation summer camp program spent the morning cleaning up their community, primari…
Lemon Bay grad plans to study in London this fall
June 23, 2017
■ BY SUE ERWIN Eagle Scout Grant Reecher recently turned 18 and graduated from Lemon Bay High School in Englewood. And he’s looking forward to a bright future this fall, when he will be moving to Lon…
Watch for manatees when out on the water
June 23, 2017
■ STAFF REPORT The summer season has arrived, and that can mean crowded conditions on Florida’s waterways. Save the Manatee Club encourages the boating community to watch for manatees when out on the…
Profile: Andy Charcut
June 23, 2017
■ BY SUE ERWIN Andy Charcut was living in Illinois in 2013, when his boss Steve Kaplin, offered him a job in Boca Grande. At the time, Steve owned Infotrack, a pre-employment screening company. Steve…
Obituary: John Gallwey Carter
June 23, 2017
John Gallwey Carter, 26, residing briefly in Ann Arbor, Michigan, passed away on June 9, 2017. John was born on July 29, 1990 to John Elliot and Gael Gallwey Carter in Tampa, Florida. John was a grad…
CCSO marine unit joins Operation Dry Water campaign
June 23, 2017
To the Editor: The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office will be participating in Operation Dry Water as part of a nationally coordinated effort to increase knowledge about the dangers of boating under t…
Want to report red tide? There’s an app for that
June 16, 2017
■ PROVIDED BY MOTE MARINE. Smartphone users can now download a new app to self-report impacts of Florida red tide algae (Karenia brevis), thanks to Mote Marine Laboratory’s project to engage citize…