Obituary: William D. Rader
William Donald Rader, 86, a former resident of Greenwich, Conn. and of Block Island, R.I., died peacefully in his Boca Grand…
Thanks to all from the OBGBBC committee
To the Editor: The One Big Grande Boca Book Club committee would like to thank all of the people who made last Saturday…
Chamber to host mixer tonight
■ STAFF REPORT The Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce will host their January mixer tonight, January 13, from 5 to 8…
Eco-restoration effort at Placida Preserve complete
■ SUBMITTED BY THE GICIA The GICIA’s preliminary vision for the Pres…
Residents meet and greet with Senator Benacquisto
■ BY SUE ERWIN An informal roundtable discussion with State Sena…
Come share the light with Rev. Matt and Joy and Lynda Jamison
■ BY SUE ERWIN The Lighthouse Church will host a musical concert to benefit the Florida United Methodist Children’s Hom…
St. Andrew’s to hold ‘Divine Inspiration!’ concert January 22
■ STAFF REPORT On Sunday, Jan. 22 at 5 p.m., Sarasota Musica Viva will present a flute and harp concert entitled “Divine…
Calling all kids: The next youth fishing tournament is January 21
■ BY SUE ERWIN On Saturday, Jan. 21 Lee County Parks & Recreation and the Boca Beacon will sponsor the latest insta…
Suncoast Humane Society ‘Fete for Pets’ tickets now available
■ BY SUE ERWIN Get your tickets now for the 9th annual Tennis Ball fundraiser planned for Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2017 from…
Profile: Jeff Simmons
■ BY SUE ERWIN Jeff Simmons has spent 25 years working about every position at “The Temp” restaurant and bar on the isl…