Toll booth update …
■ The Gasparilla Island Bridge Authority has offered its first update for the GIBA toll building alterations and reroof proj…
Mingle at the Lighthouse
■ BY STAFF REPORT The Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its October Monthly Mixer at the Port Boca Grande Light…
Good intentions, wrong face
■ STAFF REPORT In last week’s Boca Beacon we accidentally put the wrong Busch family member in a story regarding a matching…
Profile Jan Waters
■ BY SUE ERWIN Banyan Tree Pilates and Yoga has new owners – but they…
Sea Turtle Association extends gratitude to community
To the Editor: As we wind down the fifth sea turtle nesting season si…
Florence Jelks: The ‘principal with principles’ has passed
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Florence T. Jelks Robinson passed away on September 23, 2017. She was born and raised in Boca Grande and…
Busch matches donations 2:1 for Mote after Irma
A philanthropist with island ties has upped the ante for giving at Mote Marine Laboratory, to help repair damage at a resear…
Chamber to host mixer at Port Boca Grande Lighthouse
The Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce will host their October Monthly Mixer at the Port Boca Grande Lighthouse on Thursda…
Prepare your haunting best … the carnival is coming
Kids, start thinking about your costume and decide if you are going to be scary, funny, cute or adorable for the Annual Boca…
Wildlife Center seeks volunteers; training in October
The Wildlife Center of Venice is always looking for new volunteers to help them treat more than 4,500 Florida wildlife patie…