Free country music concert on April 24
■ BY SUE ERWIN Country music fans won’t want to miss a free “Concert on the Green” event happening on Tuesday, April 24 at 4…
‘Boca Grande Sketchbook’: An island through the eyes of Jack Horner
■ BY SUE ERWIN Through the years, artist Jack Horner sketched scenes from Boca Grande, added some watercolor to the images a…
Join the singing soiree on April 25 with Grande Glee
■ STAFF REPORT Elaine Skypala, Linda Rollyson, Michael Alexander, Carol Elwood, John Cleghorn, John Moenning, Erica Ress Mar…
Profile Bill Whitney
■ BY SUE ERWIN Bill Whitney has always been interested in the rhythm…
Obituary: Vernon Armour
Vernon Armour, 90, died of natural causes on Tuesday, April 10, 2018…
It’s all well and good until a loop on the whale pants is missed
To the Editor: I have lived on this island for almost 35 years. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t reflect on what…
Just a heads-up … kids will be kids when it’s spring break
To the Editor: We were all spring breakers at one time. So if we knew they were coming … why didn’t we prepare? Extra garb…
Boca Grande: An island that was much different before the bridge
To the Editor: Congratulations on writing a significant editorial regarding the spring break party that was held recently. W…
May/June Gasparilla Magazine now available
The May/June Gasparilla Magazine is out and ready to be distributed. Make sure you get your copy soon to have access to grea…
Historic Preservation Board reveals convoluted information after potential violation brought to light
■ BY SUE ERWIN AND MARCY SHORTUSE At its monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 11, the Boca Grande Historic Preservation Board…