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    BY MARCY SHORTUSE – According to Town&Country Magazine, Boca Grande is quite the “tony” location for ge…

Jacqueline Lesley Towell passed away on May 13, 2017 in St. Petersburg, Florida. A British citizen, Jackie was born in Wuh…

To the Editor: Last Friday’s Ladies Day Captain’s Party buffett was catered by Karen Kelley and Dan Nuzzi and the theme fo…

To the Editor: Bravo to the 23 children from The Island School who …

Delorese ‘Dee’ Green Wheeler, 75, of Boca Grande, Florida, passed a…

BY SUE ERWIN – If you’ve inquired about renting a place at the Boca Grande Club over the past few years, you’ve likely met…

■ BY SUE ERWIN Last month Florida Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto (R-Fort Myers) proposed an amendment (995154) to add the Por…

■ BY KELLY REARK BORZA For more than a decade my mom and I fished the Ladies Day Tarpon Tournament together in Boca Grande…

■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE Lowell Bell sat on a park bench, staring down Park Avenue one morning, amazed at what he was seeing. W…

■ STAFF REPORT The 2017 Boca Grande Tarpon Festival is almost here, and excitement is brewing as the island prepares for t…