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■ SUBMITTED BY THE BOCA GRANDE HISTORICAL SOCIETY This is a picture of a manta ray. It is shaped like a triangle, but that…

The weather may have cooled off, but the island is heating up with the hustle and bustle of season again. Visitors and res…

■ BY SUE ERWIN Have you ever wanted to participate in a play but didn’t quite have the courage to audition? A new program …

■ BY SUE ERWIN After managing PJ’s Seagrille and The Grapevine for …

■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE As I type this on a Wednesday morning, it’s a b…

To the Editor: From one morbidly obese canine to another: I believe I speak for all my compatriots at the 7th Street dog p…

■ BY MARY BESS The Sarasota Architectural Foundation recently marked the100th birthday of Paul Rudolph at the annual …

To the Editor: Bocilla Islands Conservancy Inc. would like to thank the community for the success of its second annual Pre…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – The Gasparilla Inn & Club has been slowly introducing their new plans for the property where the G…

BY SUE ERWIN – There was a long line wrapping around the auditorium on Friday afternoon at the Boca Grande Community Cente…