Annual Green Gala planned for March 25 to feature a Polynesian theme
■ STAFF REPORT Calling all islanders: Get ready to hula and celebrate the spirit of “aloha,” Boca Grande style. The 23rd ann…
Relaunch of Lotus: A Seibert creation, a labor of love
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE Recently a small but very meaningful ceremony took place on the island that honored the boat-making skil…
Profile: Chuck Young
■ BY SUE ERWIN He’s a friendly guy from Minnesota, and he’s been enjoying a “Grande” life in Boca since he retired a few yea…
Obituary: Eunice Albritton
Eunice Albritton, known for her part in The Fishery’s history and who…
Mote research highlights potential Deepwater Horizon spill impacts
To the Editor: Mote Marine Laboratory scientists found that southern…
Charlotte County reminds everyone of tangible tax deadline
To the Editor: The Charlotte County Property Appraiser reminds business and rental property owners that the deadline for fil…
Get those (grand) kids outside for Spring Break
To the Editor: Get the children outdoors to learn about the natural world around them! Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center…
Scarpa’s Coastal coming soon! Old Theatre Building to come back to life
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE Boca Grande is abuzz with talk of the new restaurant that will tentatively be opening around May 1 in th…
Bach concert to be held tomorrow at Lighthouse Methodist Church
■ BY SUE ERWIN Are you a fan of classical music? If so, you won’t want to miss concert artist Dr. Wojciech Wojtasiewicz perf…
Spaghetti dinner this Sunday
■ STAFF REPORT Grab your vino, it should be keen-o: Spaghetti Dog is back this Sunday, Feb. 17. Join Nat and other volunteer…