Keep those cards and letters coming regarding the NHR
BY SUSAN HANAFEE – In anticipation of next week’s meeting, scores of emails have been received by the Boca Grande Historic P…
Sago palms everywhere on the island, but deadly to pets
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Pet owners, be aware: Sago palm trees are in full fruit, and the red nuts that fall all over the ground…
What to do with a 300-pound deceased sea turtle
BY TONYA BRAMLAGE – One of the most amazing aspects of living on the beach on Gasparilla Island is to see sea turtles coming…
Register now for the Annual Bike Path ‘Grande’ Parade
STAFF REPORT – The 35th Annual Bike Path “Grande” Parade will be held…
Abbott to discuss Sarasota School of Architecture and its international impact
STAFF REPORT – Sarasota architect Carl Abbott’s international archite…
GICIA approves landscape beautification plan
SUBMITTED BY THE GICIA – The Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association continues its 50th Anniversary Celeb…
Lighthouse United Methodist Church to hold art sale on March 14
BY SUSAN HANAFEE – More than 50 items, many of them original art pieces by local artists, will be for sale in the Methodist…
Zoning variance requested by South Beach
BY T MICHELE WALKER – Residents living in the 760 Gulf Blvd. block received a courtesy notice regarding receipt of a zoning…
‘All That Jazz’ to feature bassist Brandon Robertson March 8
BY T MICHELE WALKER – The Friends of Boca Grande Community Center is presenting their monthly All That Jazz concert series…
BIPS to present rescheduled Witherington sea turtle talk on March 9
STAFF REPORT – The Barrier Island Parks Society is thrilled to welcome back renowned authors and professional naturalists, D…