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To the Editor: We can’t seem to get over the lunacy. The panic. The illogical decisions.     While the coronavirus was mos…

To the Editor: What is happening to Boca Grande? For the 30 years plus that I have been here, the character of the island …

To the Editor:  I would like to add an addendum to my “diary” printed in the paper two weeks ago. I feel terrible about fo…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Capt. Waylon Mills once again showed them all h…

BY DALY WALKER, MD – Masks have been worn in nearly all cultures as…

BY OLIVIA CAMERON – A sweet and beautiful face that not long ago was often seen on the streets of Boca Grande – and who ha…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – You may have noticed that what you’re finding in the grocery store lately isn’t the same as what you f…

UPDATE … RED GILL POSTPONED … The Red Gill Invitational Tarpon Tournament has been postponed until Saturday, June 20, …

STAFF REPORT – This is the last in a series of articles on results from the online survey filled out by Boca Grande reside…

BY BONNIE PRINGLE, GIWA – With the past 12-month total rainfall for our area considered severely abnormal, the Governing B…