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In the wake of the recent explosive hearings in the U.S. Congress on UFOs, now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, the so…

Submitted by Mote Marine Laboratory As Florida’s coral reef experienced record-breaking heat waves starting in July, wit…

The Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association (GICIA) is pleased to announce that a Bike Path enhancement…

By Andrew Colburn, Boca Grande Health Clinic Back in 1993, the Pr…

When Lee County Commissioners hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday…

Gulf Coast Writers Association Inc. (GWCA), Southwest Florida’s 28-year-old meeting ground for writers, editors and their a…

Sackett Snow Cook died peacefully August 1 at Westview on Main in Fairhaven MA, with his wife of 41 years, Mary Elizabeth (…

Sadly, our family announces that Joe D’Angelo departed this world on August, 1, 2023, at the youthful age of 86. He peacefu…

Amy Cyr loves music, and she has since she was very young. Now she has joined The Island School as its music teacher, and s…

FIVE YEARS AGO Was it red tide or Vibrio vulnificus that was making young stomachs upset, or back-to-school jitters? Eit…