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Locals have alerted the Boca Beacon to a number of possibly derelict boats off of Gasparilla Island. In recent weeks, at …

The state of Florida has a robust program for derelict boats. During recent hurricanes, there were hundreds of boats i…

BY CAPT. SANDY MELVIN Tarpon season continues in full swing. There are thousands of tarpon around right now and you ca…

“As crude a weapon as the cave man’s club, the chemical barrage ha…

Happy VanBeuren and Cotton Hanley visited the Suncoast Humane Soci…

BY CAPT. VAN HUBBARD Editor’s Note: Van Hubbard’s column Hook, Line and Sinker appeared in the Beacon beginning in 198…

The 2024 sea turtle nesting season for Gasparilla Island runs through October 31. Here are some sea turtle season “Do’s a…

Running for a local office on Gasparilla Island is sometimes more complicated than one might expect. Because there are tw…

Charlotte County Transit has scheduled two workshops to solicit public input on its transit development plan. The work…

BY CAPT. ROBERT JOHNSON Editor’s Note: The late Capt. Johnson wrote a history of The Boca Grande Quarantine Station du…