Truly, Edie believes in the old saying that “to rest is to rust.” There is certainly no rust on her, as she is still out walking the dog and doing yoga regularly. She doesn’t mind disclosing her age: She is proud of the life she is living, and plans to keep living as long as she can. In fact, when asked what her plans are for her 100th birthday, she doesn’t bat an eye. She hasn’t quite decided yet, because she has something more pressing on her mind in the near future – the wedding of her granddaughter. She is getting married on the island next May, and those plans come first. The big birthday party can be planned after that.
Edie is healthy and strong, thanks to a life-long commitment to eating right and exercising, as well as maintaining an active social life. She is also surrounded by lots of family and friends to bolster a positive, well-rounded outlook on life.