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Community Center expansion plan wins Lee Commissioner approval, go ahead

June 20, 2024
By Anna Ridilla

$16 million plus raised

The development agreement between Lee County and Friends of Boca Grande for Boca Grande Community Center improvements was unanimously approved at the regular Lee County Board of Commissioners Meeting on Tuesday morning, June 18. 

Marta Howell, CEO of Friends, spoke during the final public hearing for the plan. The first public hearing of the agreement was held on May 20, 2024. 

“This project has been a project that has come from the grassroots up,” Howell said. “We surveyed the community a couple of years ago to get their input and received over 600 responses supporting the Friends to take leadership and to do some improvements at our community center.”

Friends spoke with more than 35 not-for-profits that use the center to get their input in terms of what they would like, Howell said. “We incorporated that all into a plan that we are very proud to partner with you [Lee County] on,” she said. 

Throughout the process Friends developed some goals and values to guide the decision making, Howell said. These include honoring the character, scale and history of Boca Grande, maintaining the maximum amount of green space possible, assuring architecture is consistent and complimentary to the existing campus and neighborhood, understanding the needs of all the user, serving the needs of all ages and demographics, working with The Island School to meet their needs, replacing the auditorium to meet ADA and FEMA standards, and improving AV technology, HVAC and overall theater experience.

Additionally, Friends has set the goal for a phased construction approach over three years while accommodating the organizations to continue their activities during season, as well as a continued collaborative and cooperative relationship with Lee County. 

Friends started fundraising early this year, in January with a goal of $15 million. 

“We’re $10,000 shy of $16.5 million right now, with over 360 donors, so we think it’s gonna be a go,” Howell said.

Assistant County Attorney Amanda Swindle had introduced the public comment item on Tuesday, adding that the agreement had received recommendations of approval from the County Attorney’s Office, Facilities Management, County Lands, Parks and Recreation, the Department of Community Development and the Local Planning Agency.

The plan was approved 4-0 on Tuesday, with Commissioner Ray Sandelli absent.

The plan still has multiple approvals ahead, including regular building permits and review by the Boca Grande Historic Preservation Board, which has seen preliminary concept studies and plans only.

Commissioner Cecil Pendergrass commented on the success of fundraising efforts of the island, mentioning that he had learned last week that Friends had surpassed its original goal of $15 million. 

“The community is so supportive of this,” he said, “and it’s such a great addition to the island which is already such a jewel.”

Find out more, including full plans and dates, at