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Letters to the Editor

September 6, 2019
To the Editor, The Boca Grande Camera Club will kick off the 2019-2020 season on Tuesday, Nov. 5 at 10 a.m. in the Houghton Room at the Boca Grande Community Center. Speaker Larry McNiff will be pres…

August 30, 2019
To the editor, It’s long past time for Congress to hold Trump accountable. It’s time for a formal impeachment inquiry. Here’s what we know: Donald Trump claims the Mueller report exonerated him, but…

August 23, 2019
Dear Editor: Where did all the benches and tables in Boca Grande go? My family has no place to sit and have ice cream after school. And there is nowhere to sit outside in the fresh air at the bakery…

August 23, 2019
To the Editor: I find it ironic that Lee County Code Enforcement is so vigilant in protecting the pedestrian right-of-way in the village by forcing removal of obstructing amenities such as sidewalk c…

August 23, 2019
To the Editor: It’s sea turtle nesting season in Florida, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is sharing guidelines on how you can make a difference for these endangered m…

August 16, 2019
■ BY JOELLEN WILSON, BONEFISH & TARPON TRUST Ten years ago Bonefish & Tarpon Trust (BTT) started a tarpon-tagging project in Charlotte Harbor. Back then we used heavy and expensive satellite…

August 9, 2019
To the Editor: We are co-hosting a beach clean-up on Saturday, September 21 beginning at 5th St. beach, from 9 a.m. until noon. We need clean up volunteers and sponsors. Volunteers can sign up at m.s…

August 9, 2019
To the Editor: The phrase, “It’s Raining Cats and Dogs,” was originally intended to describe a heavy downpour of rain. Right now, however, in addition to the rainy season, Suncoast Humane Society is…

August 9, 2019
To the Editor: Should I laugh or should I cry? This liveable and loveable village of Boca Grande with its Mediterranean touch under a strict Prussian Law and Order Regime? Everything “straight and le…

August 2, 2019
To the Editor: I opened my Boca Beacon a bit late this week and almost wished I hadn’t opened it at all. ALMOST – because I enjoy reading it each week so very much but the article “Eight Recent Compl…