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August 19, 2016
■  BY MARCY SHORTUSE I watched a very interesting piece on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver recently regarding the fast-paced demise of print news. It’s essentially the breakdown of what we are inu…

August 5, 2016
■  BY DICK ANDERSON I am Dick Anderson, and I am a candidate for the Lee County Commission District 3. My candidacy is motivated by the legacy we will leave to our children and grandchildren. Are we…

July 22, 2016
We are now in the thick of the summer, a time when the remaining humans on the island retreat indoors, when summer storms are the norm and when iguanas are doing the happy dance. There are other thi…

June 17, 2016
We were faced with another American disaster last weekend, a mass shooting that left 49 Americans dead and many more wounded. For just a little while afterward, the American people did what they…

June 3, 2016
To the Editor: This past week, a new resident in our community, Pat Neal, added a very attractive curb lawn to the front of their house on Gilchrist. As a result, three public parking spots ha…

June 3, 2016
To the Editor: The Lemon Bay Conservancy (LBC) is a 501(c) 3 charitable land trust operating successfully in the Charlotte Harbor Watershed since 1972. LBC is pleased to provide this letter of suppor…

May 27, 2016
To the Editor: The Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce’s 26th Annual Ladies Day Tarpon Tournament had a successful outcome with a field of 36 boats and 11 total tarpon released on May 7, 2016. Brend…

May 27, 2016
To the Editor: We will always be grateful and thankful to the Beacon for the story of John Bourgoin and Walter Tatko. Great story about two great guys who contributed to victory in WWII. They were in…

May 20, 2016
By the time this week’s newspaper goes to press, we will be halfway into The World’s Richest Tarpon Tournament for 2016. We are very lucky to have the greatest tarpon fishery in the world right in o…

May 13, 2016
To the Editor:      Come celebrate our connection to the ocean during a World Oceans Day Family Festival from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 4, at Mote Aquarium. World Oceans Day is an internationa…