Pull out those masks, fins and dive flags: It’s ‘bug’ season again
July 19, 2019
To the Editor: The 2019 spiny lobster season opens with the two-day recreational mini-season July 24 and 25, followed by the regular commercial and recreational lobster season, which starts Aug. 6 an…
Make sure your traps stay pulled until July 20
July 13, 2019
To the Editor: Recreational and commercial blue crab traps in state waters in our area were mandated to be pulled from the water and the season closed on July 10. Season will reopen on Saturday, July…
The case of the FWC and the iguana bloodlust
July 11, 2019
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE The media recently blasted an announcement regarding iguanas on social media that made some pretty big waves. The headlines everywhere read that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Cons…
Keeping it simple when it comes to explaining new shore-based shark fishing rules
July 5, 2019
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE Last summer we wrote a three-part series on sharks in local waters and the people who fish them, as there appeared to be some confusion in the general population as to what is leg…
The FWC needs you to improve recreational fisheries data collection
June 28, 2019
To the Editor: Did you know there are multiple ways you can contribute to fishery data collection as a recreational angler? The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) collects data i…
Camp kids say thanks to Woman’s Club and community through beach street clean-up
June 28, 2019
To the Editor: Our 2019 Boca Grande Community Center Summer Camp kids wanted to say “Thank You” to the island and especially the Boca Grande Woman’s Club for their sincere generosity in creating a fu…
It takes a lot of hard-working people to make the GIKC as successful as it is
June 14, 2019
To the Editor: What a great year for the Gasparilla Island Kids Classic Tarpon Tournament. Records were broken with 81 tarpon released, and we raised $42,000 for community charities! The Board of Dir…
Florida residents urged to prepare for hurricane season now
June 7, 2019
To the Editor: Atlantic hurricane season officially starts on June 1, and the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) encourages all residents and visitors to prepare for severe weather emergencies now…
Boca Grande Historical Society sets summer hours
June 7, 2019
To the Editor: Summer hours for the Boca Grande History Center began on June 1. We are now open Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We are closed Monday, Saturday and Sunday through September…
Recreational red snapper season starts June 11 in Gulf state and federal waters
June 7, 2019
To the Editor: The recreational red snapper season will start on June 11 in Gulf state and federal waters and remain open through July 12, closing July 13. Anglers fishing from private recreational b…